Mandela's Mandala

The Life of Eve

Welcome to the home of Diane's Mandalas

Telephone Doodles

Thoughts of Magdalene

Thank you for visiting my Mandala site. I was introduced to the idea of Mandalas in April of 2007 by a lovely American lady named Stacy Wills who now sells her intricate and beautiful Mandalas commercially – you can enjoy a visit to her site Here.

Mandalas have been around since ancient times in Asian, North American Native, Celtic and other cultures and were incorporated into the Christian church during the Gothic period. They were popular during the hippy movement  – when you start looking for them you can see them in many places.

The thing I love about Mandalas is the art is very doable – you can get a good result just by repeating a pattern – sort of like looking through a Kaleidoscope.  Sometimes you wish you could change a colour but Mandalas teach you to live with your decisions. Mine, being approximately fourteen inches across, take me many hours to colour which I find is the enjoyable part. The more difficult part is thinking about what I am going to do before I start and sketch the outlines of the shapes in pencil.

Many people believe that circle art is sacred, many others think it is magical.  I know that anytime a person believes that it is worth planning for and protecting blocks of time to nurture one's artistic self, then something opens up inside and creativity is released. This manifests not only in 'art’ but in how one puts a little more creativity into the everyday activities.

I would encourage anyone who, like me, felt that beginning art was daunting, to start with Mandalas and relax and release your colours out into the world. In a world when we are constantly being inundated with noise and facts - colouring is a welcome change of pace and a reversal of this process.

Please click on any of the Mandalas that interest you to see a larger image.
I consider my style to be primitive/folk art
I retain copyright of my art - but please feel free to use for non-commercial personal use.
Water Baby

The Way It Is


Celtic Mystery

Spanish Tiles


This & That


January Blues



Mary's Mandala


Trivial Pursuit

Peace to the Haida

Like a Never-ending Dream

Northern Dragons

Austin's Griffins
Ode to Odjig
Autumn Kaleids
Chile Mandala
William & Catherine
Fun and Games
Lilac Rainbow Oopsies
I Dream of Mexico, I Dream of You.
Kinda Like a Snowflake
Bountiful Joy